Photographed by Brett
Queensland, AUS - November 2010
Instant coffee cannot truly be considered coffee, but mixed with a bit of milk, the warm, sweet, coffee-like flavor has become a familiar experience to me while in Australia, staying with people who typically do not drink the caffeinated beverage or choose to purchase the milky flat whites from corner cafes. I am enjoying my second cup of the morning (so it may be noon - morning and afternoon is all relative) and liken my experience to that of a beverage half way between a chalky-rich hot cocoa and a real coffee.
The weather has been uncooperative here in Australia; less than the balmy to warm as I had hoped for, rain and overcast skies have been a continue part of my experience. Today I take a trip to the Snowy Mountains (which currently do not have snow) with a photographer I met at Zoefest last year, Brett. I hope the wind and cold will be to a minimum. Originally light painting and shooting with stars was part of the agenda, but between weather issues and a broken camera, the plan has changed. Two zoefests ago, Rebecca Lawrence and I shot with Brett and did some light painting, but not with stars.