Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Brussel Sprouts and A Globe

Big suitcases do not pack themselves. Nor is there any magic to figuring out what to bring on a trip that includes 3 weeks in Australia, 2 weeks in Northern California, 2 weeks in Portland and Seattle, almost a week in Los Angeles and 1 week in Central California. This is not my first time to have a mixed weather and wardrobe need trip to pack for, but even as I am going on 5 years living on the road, the task of putting together my suitcases never becomes easier. I need ample wardrobe for some long day bookings in Australia, warm weather clothes for my daily meanderings in hopefully sunny climate, but when I return to the United States, I have a feeling flimsy dresses will leave me shivering and goosebumpy. Also, being around my family requires slightly different clothing than clothing I may wear while feeling gypsy-like, for obvious reasons. 

Yesterday was an errand running day, and today a packing and loose ends sorting day. Blogging will not directly help me decide which pair of shoes, sweater or shirts to pack, but if I sit on my wood floor surrounded by belongings for too long, I may scream. One of the essentials I purchased yesterday was a new palette of makeup, because occasionaly I am allowed to be glamorous and that requires a bit more makeup. The kit with eye shadow I purchased has some great colors, and exactly the blush and bronzer I need, but I do not need to contour my face with a product that smells like chocolate, and no, mascara is never "better than sex" as the container proclaims. And this bright, pink sparkly bag that was a special bonus item is 5000 percent too girly for me.  I understand marketing to girly-girls but this packaging is almost embarassing. I can show you when I'm next in your studio making myself look all fancy.

Right now I have delicious brussel sprouts cooking on the stove, but in two minutes I will eat these tiny orbs of green goodness and get back to work. 

Yesterday I my reward for the hours of checking things off of my "to do list" was a short self-portrait session with globe, brussel sprouts and random items acquired by a model.

Brussel sprout scepter, the world in tiny form, pink girly bag all on a coffee table

 Me on a coffee table, masked by the world, with a bit of guitar peeking out, and a painting of Nettie Harris, Myeand the Moon by Howie Doyle

If I were the queen of strange, the world could be my hat and brussel sprouts my scepter

The fact that I think these items can combine for an acceptable portrait session probably demonstrates my difficulty in packing a bag, because almost anything can become useful...somehow....

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