Monday, November 30, 2009


I made it back to Texas. Last night's drive was a rough one. Phone talking kept me awake, but after a weekend stuck in a benedryl daze, my late start on the road soon stretched into a slightly difficult drive. Finding a friendly Walmart to sleep at (with all this mention of that *insert adjective* store, maybe I can get some sponsorship from them) sounded all too appealing, but two friends talked me into making the drive. A couch generally trumps the backseat of my car in terms of comfort and practicality anyway.

This month I will be staying in ONE state. For three weeks I will be in Texas before running away to another state. But in general, there will be no jumping from state to state; instead, I am driving from Houston, to Dallas, to San Antonio, to Houston and back to Dallas during December. Perhaps not the most practical of schedules, but it often seems things do not work out as planned. So much for my vision of a restful, boring couple of weeks in an apartment. I'm too young for that anyway.

This morning I brought my home in for repair. While on my last trip from coast to coast, I had left my car in Dallas with a friend. The car needed a home and a little bit of babysitting, and my friend was without a car. I figured it was the ideal scenario. When I came back to Dallas, I found out my car had a run in with a fire hydrant three weeks ago and the fire hydrant clearly won. So today I finally had the chance to bring my duct taped car in to a repair place, and am now driving around in what feels like a boat. I do not begrudge my friend for the damage, accidents do happen, but still wish she had told me when the damage had been done so it could be repaired while I was out of town. I am partial to my car because it is "mine," and sometimes in a life of changing locations it is nice to have one thing that is constant and familiar.

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